TOEFL always seemed to me something very hard and unreachable. I always thought that I will never be able to take the test as I don’t have good English background. But Test Success proved the opposite! After 4 weeks of Christopher’s very interesting and professional classes I took my TOEFL exam and got my score. Best way to reach your TOEFL goal is through TEST SUCCESS!
I want to say THANK YOU not only for your professionalism and support but also for your belief in me. That played a key role in my success!!
I wish all the best to you and to Test Success!
To apply for colleges like Cornell or any of the great colleges in the U.S, I needed at least 100. Test Success helped me reach my goal! Every time we submit something, the teachers give us great feedback, especially in the speaking section, which is where I need the most help! The same goes for all the other sections though. When I went to take the test, I got a 103! Thank you Test Success!