Test Success is the place to go!
It’s been a long time since I prepared for an exam and I got 111 in my first try.
Test Success has the right tools to help you succeed in your TOEFL Preparation. The support, online and in class, made all the difference. If you attend classes and practice at home, chances are you will get a great score. The vast online material helps you practice the strategies you learn during the classes. The reading tips and strategies were crucial to increase my chances of getting the right answer and also finishing the test on time. I even had time left at the end to review my answers!
My special thanks to Christopher who cheered me up from the beginning and helped me not only with the technical side of the test, but also with some great tips on how to beat your nerves on the day of the test.
Test Success is definitely the best TOEFL Prep Course in NY.
I gained every goal at Test Success, improving my TOEFL scores, meeting nice fellows, and learning a great methodology to improve my English skills. The teachers are masters of the TOEFL test, and made me feel it's not difficult to get 100+ score. The teaching methodology will continue to benefit me when I go to Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.